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peter doswell celebrity psychic medium southampton hampshire uk celebrity horoscopes psychic to the stars

Celebrity Horoscopes 

Psychic To The Stars

UK Celebrity Psychic Medium

Peter Doswell



TRANSITS - MAR 25TH - MAR 31ST 2019 


There is a deep urge for security at this time. Emotions will be deeply felt as the Prime Minister, tunes into the emotions of others. It will be a time where the Prime Minister, will delve into her own foundations and it could be a time, of re-evaluation and a transformation for her.


With the Moon in Scorpio, the prime minister is likely to follow her impulses, and become spontaneous. With Mercury in Pisces, there will be an intensified level of thinking and a very brave decision will be made.


Venus is in Pisces, and opinions that are expressed are likely to be the deeper feelings of what the Prime Minister is feeling. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, there has been a strong feeling that the impossible can be achieved. It is wise to balance those thoughts, with some sense of realism. 

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